



Announcement of Dorm Withdrawal and Dorm Removal

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日期 Date


Dorm Withdrawal and Dorm Removal

6/21 13:30-17:30

6/22 09:00-17:30

6/23 09:00-12:00

交換暑留鑰匙Key exchange for summer stay

1.        6/23開始留宿者

For those whose summer stay starts from 6/23

2.        6/24以後留宿者

For those whose summer stay starts after 6/24

1.        6/23 中午12:00後至宿舍管理室領取

Collect at the security room after 12:00 pm on June 23rd

2.        於入住當天12:00後至管理室領取

Collect at the security room after 12:00 pm on moving-in day


For those whose summer stay is before Aug. 23rd


Complete moving out before 12:00 pm on the last living day as the application


Key exchange for the residents of academic year 113

8/23  13:00 -17:00


Complete moving in for the residents of academic year 113



Residents please inform your parents to drive into the campus and park at the temporary parking lot after moving all luggages to the Sports Dome/ temporary storage area.

The vehicle cannot enter the campus if the luggage has not been done the moving.

1.  本學期退宿日期為6/2113:30-17:30)、6/2209:00-17:30)、6/2309:00-12:00,住宿退宿時須請樓長、副樓長確認房間狀況(所有物品都清空、徹底檢查環境整潔,並關閉水電、空調、窗戶,門不鎖)並繳回鑰匙才算完成退宿。住宿生需在62312:00前完成退宿

The date for dorm removal will be on 6/21 (1:30 pm-5:30 pm) , 6/22 (09:00 am-5:30 pm) and 6/23 (09:00 am-12:00 pm). Students will need to ask floor leaders to check the room (check all the stuff is clear, the surrounding is neat or not, turn off electricity power and air-conditioner, close the windows, and leave the door unlocked) and return the key to complete the removal. Otherwise, the removal procedure will be considered to be uncompleted. Students must complete the removal procedure before 12:00 pm on 6/23.

2.       為方便清潔人員打掃,請住宿生退宿時將垃圾打包整齊、分類後放置以下指定位置

l A館:垃圾、回收→各樓層電梯間面對電梯的左側。

l H館:所有垃圾及回收皆放置1樓。

Students will have to classify their garbage and place it at the assigned locations:

u A DormTrash、Recycled materialsà left side when facing the elevator on each floor.

u H Dorm: place all the garbage on 1st floor.

3.       6/23 12:00後宿舍房間內(6/23開始留宿者之房間信箱區其他公共區域之物品一律視為垃圾清空

After 12:00 pm on 6/23, items in all the rooms (rooms for summer saty starting from 6/23 are excluded), mailboxes and public area will be cleaned out.

4.       申請暑期留宿之留宿生,請於6/23 12:00至宿舍管理室領取鑰匙(領取鑰匙需檢查暑宿繳費證明),並於6/24結束前完成搬遷至暑宿床位(宿舍幹部需在6/25 中午12:00前完成退宿)。

Students who have applied for summer stay, please go to the security of each dorm to collect a new key during after 12:00 pm on 6/23 (your payment receipt of the summer stay will be needed). Students will have to complete the dorm removal by 6/24 (Dorm leaders need to complete dorm withdrawal before 12:00 pm by 6/25).

5.       申請開始留宿時間非6/23之留宿生,請於入住日當天中午12:00後至各館宿舍管理室領取。

Those who have applied for summer stay after 6/23, please seek the security of each dorm after 12:00 pm to collect the key.

6.       暑期留宿生於暑假退宿作法

Dorm withdrawal during summer vacation:

l 8/23前退宿人員,退宿時應將個人物品、垃圾淨空,並找留宿館長檢查整潔並繳回鑰匙才可完成退宿。(823日後宿舍要加強整理準備新生入宿)

l 113學年度住宿生請在8/23 13:0017:00至宿舍管理室交換鑰匙,並在8/24結束前完成搬遷作業。

l 113學年度住宿生務必要在8/23中午12:00前完成退宿,退宿時應將個人物品、垃圾淨空,並找留宿館長或各館宿舍管理室繳回鑰匙。

u Before 8/23: Students will have to clean up all your personal belongings, garbage, and return keys to dorm leaders. (The dorm will do extra cleaning to prepare for freshman after 8/23).

u For the residents of academic year 113: please exchange your keys at the security of each dorm during 01:00 pm-05:00 pm on 8/23, and complete the dorm removal by 8/24.

u For non- residents of academic year 113: please make sure to complete the dorm withdrawal before 12:00 pm by 8/23. Students will have to clean up all your personal belongings, garbage, and return keys to dorm leaders or the security of each dorm.

7.       僑生及外籍生擬規劃A館兩間寢室給予物品寄放,並在6/23下午01:00起方能開始寄放。

2 rooms will be scheduled respectively at the A Dorm for overseas Chinese students and international students to leave their luggages. The rooms will be available from 01:00 am on 6/23.

8.       備註


l 退宿及搬遷期間因人員進出複雜,請住宿生們注意自己的貴重物品,以防失竊,謝謝。

l 退宿及搬遷需本人辦理,若本人無法在時間內辦理退宿(或辦理暑宿),請至A館管理室領取退宿委託書,填寫後請代理人協助於時間內辦理退宿並將委託書交由各樓幹部。

u During the dorm withdrawal and removal period, there will be many students going in and out of the dorm, therefore please be aware of your own belongings and valuables to prevent them from being stolen.

uDorm withdrawal and removal should be done in person. If students cannot complete dorm withdrawal or dorm removal on your own, please collect authorization letter from the security of A dorm. Substitute should submit the authorization letter to the floor leader and complete the withdrawal or removal procedure within the period.

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