


【 無菸校園宣導 】


  • 依菸害防制法第15條第二項之規定,本校之室內場所全面禁止吸菸
  • 依菸害防制法第16條第一項之規定,本校之室外場所除吸菸區外,不得吸菸;未設吸菸區者,全面禁止吸菸。
  • 依菸害防制法第31條規定,違反第十五條第二項處新臺幣一萬元以上五萬元以下罰鍰,並令限期改正;屆期未改正者,得按次連續處罰。違反第十六條第一項規定者,處新臺幣二千元以上一萬元以下罰鍰




【 Smoke-free Campus Promotion 】

In order to maintain physical and mental health under tobacco control, a smoke-free campus needs you and me to keep and please respect the right not to breathe in secondhand smoke for others.

  • According to Paragraph 2, Article 15 of Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, Smoking is completely prohibited in indoor areas of universalities and colleges.
  • According to Paragraph 1, Article 16 of Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, Smoking in outdoor areas of universalities and colleges is prohibited except in the designated smoking areas, and smoking is completely prohibited therein if no such smoking area is designated.
  • According to Article 31 of Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, any person in violation of Paragraph 2 of Article 15 shall be punished by a fine at an amount of no less than NTD 10,000 but no more than NTD 50,000, and shall be ordered to correct within a specified period of time. Those who failed to correct within the specified period of time may be fined repeatedly and continuously for each failure to correct.

    Any person in violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 16 shall be punished by a fine at an amount of no less than NTD 2,000 but no more than NTD 10,000.

~~~Smoke-free Campus needs our maintenance.~~~

Smokers Helpline: 07-3220787

Department of Family Medicine, KMUH

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