Our lab focuses on answering epigenomic questions in plants, fungi and human through 1) analysis of epigenome 

sequencing data, and 2) development of computational methods. 


We think that research is driven by the interest in science and motivation to learn, therefore we welcome candidates 

of different backgrounds (bioinformatics, computer science, mathematics, statistics, life science, or a related field). 

We also appreciate candidates who are able to integrate in the multidisciplinary nature of our lab. 


Depending on your interest and skill sets, you will be assigned with research projects that you either work on 

independently or in collaboration with our lab member(s) or other research groups. There are different responsibilitiesin the lab, yet we are committed to create a supportive and cooperative environment.


We require the ideal candidate to have the following minimum criteria:
1. Ph.D. in bioinformatics, computer science, mathematics, statistics, life science, or a related field
2. Interest in the research topics conducted in our lab
3. Able to work on independent projects as well as within a collaborative team

The ideal candidate will have the following responsibilities:
1. Perform data analysis
2. Identify and refine research questions
3. Communicate and present your work progress/results
4. Work with the Investigator and other lab members
5. Participate and provide feedbacks in lab meetings


Applications should provide a resume, brief statement of experience and research interest, and contact information for at least three references.






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