A. Type of Position: Full-time assistant/ associate/ full professor

B. Number of Positions: 3

C. Qualification: doctoral degree qualification in related fields with, have outstanding research performance and meet the New Faculty Recruitment Standard of Sun Yat-sen University
(Please refer to see: https://reurl.cc/RvrK6n)

D. Field of Specialty: Healthcare management-related fields. Scholars from multiple fields are welcome.

E. Documents required to be submitted:
1. A curriculum vitae
2. Copy (Certified) of degree diplomas (e.g., diploma certificate of bachelor’s degree or above) and proof of work experience (e.g., Faculty teaching certificate)
3. Academic Award Certificate (e.g., Award Certificate of Ministry of Science and Technology)
4. A list and offprints of academic publications within five years (Please state the Impact Factor if your journal articles are included by SCI and SSCI)
5. Sample syllabus of courses that you, the applicant, have taught and propose to teach
6. Three confidential recommendation letters
7. Fill in the Google form required for the application:

F. Please address the application materials to:
“Management-related Faculty Application”
Department of Business Management
National Sun Yat-sen University
No.70, LianHai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

G. For further information, please contact Ms.Ji Wen Li.
Tel: 886-7-5252000 ext. 4602
E-mail: kris@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

H. Deadline: Open until the positions are filled

Publish Date:2024-05-01 00:00:00

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